Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Finding My Zen Before Going Into the Studio- Helpful Tips for Nervous Drummers

Finding My Zen Before Going Into the Studio- Helpful Tips for Nervous Drummers by Candace Hansen

So going into the studio gives me equal parts joy and anxiety. I think of all the times someone told me that “Tape doesn’t lie” or that what I’m going to do will “define me for the rest of my living existence.” (Ok, thats obviously extreme, but some people have been told stuff like that!) Thinking of the finality of recording can be freaky and exciting, especially if you are in a working or DIY band and spending a lot of time and money to make something that you are proud of. I’ve recorded many times in all kinds of situations, and feel like I finally have found my recording Zen. Hopefully these may be helpful to you too!

1.Know the difference between passionate and obsessive.
There’s a difference between being passionate and being obsessive. I know when I was younger, I would expect that every take was going to be killer, and that every note would be perfect, and when they weren’t I would do more takes until they were perfect. Even if others told me they sounded good, I always thought that I could do better. You are always going to be your own worst critic, be open to hear if something sucks but also if something sounds good when you are being critical of your own work. Also remember that when you hear the track in a few days its going to sound different than you are hearing it now. Now that I have experience and am a much better drummer than I was 10 years ago I’ve learned that mistakes are inevitable, and almost every record has a few. Chill out, find the vibe of the song, and quit obsessing over every detail.

2.Lose the expectations.
Having ridiculous expectations will ruin your recording experience faster than any thing. If you are listening to every raw track expecting to hear pure gold, you will be sadly let down every single time. Further, if you have expectations of other people that have never been communicated you are bound to leave heart broken or pissed. Let the experience happen, don’t force stuff, and don’t get worked up if things don’t go how you imagined them. Sometimes the best things happen when you just let go.

3.Self Care 101! Be comfortable in the studio, and be cool.
I know we’re all adults here, but like for real wear comfortable clothes and shoes to record in. Bring snacks and drinks that you like, because they will get you through the day. Be aware of your and your bandmates boundaries; don’t hammer someone for not practicing when you know they have been working, or don’t ask someone about triggering stuff before they are going to do vocals. Bring a phone charger and headphones for downtime if you will be there with your band all day. Stay hydrated: Don’t get drunk or drink a million energy drinks because even though it may seem like a fun or necessary part of the experience, you will regret it later. Being cool and collected is the best way to lay down tracks that reflect that state of mind.

4.Know your gear!
Not everyone is a gear nerd and that’s ok, but please know the gear you are going to be recording on. One of my favorite things to do to get my Zen on before recording is totally nerd out on the kit I’m going to be using. Like cleaning it out, change all the heads, tuning it immaculately. While I’m working on my gear I like to listen to music that I love the drum sound on, because it gets me in the mood for what I want to do in the studio. I’ll listen to those songs, and imagine how I want the drums to sound in the studio. Invite a buddy and have a drum party. Becoming one with your kit will change your recording experience, and if you don’t feel super comfortable with gear, give it a shot!

5. Be cool with the producer
Know their name, say hey, ask how their day is going. It sounds so rudimentary, but seriously these folks can make or break your time recording, as well as the final product. Talk about drum sound with the engineer. Definitely be aware of their time, and be grateful for the work they are doing. Most importantly, listen, be respectful, and please don’t ever micromanage!

All and all, just be cool, know your parts, show up early (but not too early), get a good breakfast, and envision what you want to achieve and most importantly how you want to feel when you are recording and when you get the finished product.

Candace Hansen is a drummer and educator from Orange County, CA. She’s been drumming in all kinds of bands in So Cal for the last 10 years, look for a new record in early 2015 with her new band YAAWN.
Originally posted November 2014 on the Istanbul Agop website.  
- See more at:

Saturday, August 10, 2013

McGerr Shuffle

Hey Friends!!

I've been really busy out there all summer working on all kinds of stuff. 

Today I really worked on the Grapevine Fire shuffle.

For many moons I thought that it was just a "Purdy" shuffle, or a half time shuffle. 
Jason McGerr plays an awesome variation of this beat, check it out:

The hihat placement is gnarly!!

Try it! It's a brain work out for sure, but you will be happy with the results.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Drum Lessons


Hello everyone!

For those of you who know me, thank you for checking out my drummer site!

If you have just stumbled upon my page or have been referred here by someone, thank you for taking the time to check me out.

I have been playing drums for 12 years and teaching drums for the last 3 years. I love drumming and teaching drums and I am very excited to take on new students!

I play lots of styles of music. Anything from punk to jazz and lots in between. I am a lifetime learner and continue to further my music education as frequently as possible. I have a degree in Women's Studies and I am currently working on a degree in History. I study music outside of the academic realm.

I write about drums for Tom Tom Magazine. Check them out!

I play drums for a few different bands and artists. Gigs section will be posted soon.

I repair and restore drums. I love working on gear! I also tune them.  Repair page with before and after will be posted soon.

I volunteer at the Rock n Roll Camp for Girls,Portland and Los Angeles!
Every summer I volunteer and teach at the Rock n Roll Camp for Girls in Portland and Los Angeles. Some friends and I are working on getting together an Orange County, CA version of this same program.

I do consulting for drum companies!
For 6 years I worked in a drum shop and learned everything there is to know about drums and the drum business.

If you are interested in any of my services please send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

As for drum lessons, I do in home or in studio lessons. Rates vary, please contact me for details!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Grrl Fair is just around the corner!

Spring and Summer are my favorite times of the year!!

 One of the reasons for that is because people seem to come out of their houses and come to cool events. When I was in high school the go to event was Warped Tour, now that I can't stand to be within a mile of a Warped Tour I am so glad that Grrl Fair exists to fill that festival void in my life.

Grrl Fair is an awesome organization that seeks to promote women in the arts in Southern California, and more specifically Orange County.

A typical Grrl Fair hosts artwork from girls/women, local female vendors, workshops and more!

Some things to look forward to at this year's Grrl Fair are:

2PM: Really Really Free Market!
Bring stuff you don't want anymore and barter with other people. You can't get anymore DIY and progressive than that :)

2PM: Record Swap Meet with Mass Media Records

2PM: Cleansing Drum Circle with Aly Miguel

All day: Workshops in the "Workshop Village" including speakers, feminist clubs from various colleges, and much more.


Some bands I am excited to see at Grrl Fair this year are:

The Death Valley Girls a garage-y Cramps-y feeling band from LA.

!Las Feas a surf punk band from the Coachella Valley

Tigersnap an electro-punk-hiphop act from LA

May 11th Y'all, did I mention that there are going to be food trucks???

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ladies Rock Camp coming to Orange County May 18th and 19th!

As a lot of you know, I volunteer at the Rock n Roll Camp for Girls programs in Portland, Los Angeles, and now in Orange County.
Lots of women get excited when they hear about the girls program (learn an instrument, form a band, write a song and play a show!) and say that they want to do it too, so many of the girls rock camps have formed ladies rock camps as a way to provide this program for the 18+ crowd as well as raise funds for the summer camp program.

                                    Check out this video to seek what it's like to be at rock camp!

In OC the Ladies Rock Camp program will be May 18th and 19th in Downtown Santa Ana at El Centro Cultural. It's $50-$100 sliding scale and worth every penny!

To sign up follow this link to the application:

Monday, February 18, 2013

Gearing up for jazz band!

Hey everybody!
Sorry I haven't been posting lately, I have been really busy working on so many different things.
Rock n Roll Camp for Girls OC is finally off the ground with a fiscal sponsor, and school is back in session.

I joined the Jazz Band at Santa Ana College and have been practicing my butt off reading charts and getting comfortable playing jazz and latin jazz.

We are doing one of my favorite swing songs, Sing Sing Sing! It's a really cool swing song that Gene Krupa played on back in the day.

The cool tom part can be played with a second line pattern. Try it!


Swing it when you play

Play 2 and 4 on the hihat

The kick pattern should be an ostinato-ish

Check out this video that is a quick tutorial on Second Line jazz drumming:

Try it at home or with your band!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Help Tom Tom Magazine win a Scion grant!

Hi friends!

Sorry I haven't posted lately!

The beginning of the semester is always a crazy time.

I received many great questions for the Q and A's portion, those answers will began being answered next week.

In the mean time, check out this video made by Mindy Abovitz, the editor of Tom Tom Magazine about a Scion grand they just applied for.

If you can comment or like the video, it will help them get further to winning.

Lets help out this amazing resource for women all over the world.