Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Girls Rock Orange County!

As many of you know, I am involved with the organization of setting up a Rock n Roll Camp for Girls right here in Orange County California.

We are happy to announce that the Rock n Roll Camp for Girls in OC will be holding it's first summer camp program this summer!

It will be held July 15th through the 19th at Shoreline church and school in Fountain Valley, CA

Tuition, scholarship info and more to come soon on the official website. Check it out!

We will also be holding an adult version of this program for women ages 18+ in May.

1 comment:

  1. Find someone who has a lot of experience teaching and
    performing. Make sure it is someone who will teach you
    to read music and understand some music theory. You DON'T
    want a teacher who just bangs away and tells you to follow

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